Why I am a Socialist

Flesh in the Crucible

My mother doubts everything I say, but nothing of which I enact. She is doubtful not of me, but what this world may afford me, us. She is the only one of my family who engages with me politically; sometimes I wonder if it is only to extend our calls. Yet, I scrap this thought,…

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And Through My Eyes You Will Finally Know Me

The day of my baptism I wore all white while grasping my mother’s pendant because fidget toys hadn’t become popular yet. She contrasts me in all black like she’s mourning something despite this being the day of my rebirth. The streets of San Diego are so familiar but I cannot tell you what street we…

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My Mom Wants Stability but I Want Peace

My mom and I seem to have the same sensibilities when it comes to the world. We know the government and state will do nothing for us. We know family & community will always have our back. We see the inequality of our country and know it to be a disgusting display of greed. We…

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American Citizen, yet, American Enemy

There is no greater irony than living in a society which wants you dead after it had plundered and destroyed your home. American Empire did not save us, it is the parasite which forced our families to live in society which hates us. American empire waged war against our ancestors decades ago and now sanctions…

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7 minutes in San Jose

I call your phone to wish you happy birthday; no answer because you left your phone alone in the car like I am in the Bay Area. I call mom because she responsibly holds onto everything (something we both should learn to adopt). “Pasame a mi Apa”, I said to her for the first time.…

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This Home is Our Home

I have reached many final straws over the years 2020-2021: the years I have been reading, writing, studying, and organizing with others surrounding the circumstances we find ourselves in today. However, almost poetically, the end of last year has activated a chasm within me that has left me both extremely angered, but also incredibly energized.…

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